Tuesday, September 28, 2010

oh, hai

so i just read over my last post about stealing... and i think that im going to elaborate on that topic in this post. and since that post, i have gotten caught shoplifting. but, nothing really came of it. i was at books a million, and i noticed that they had installed some new security features. but as i walked around the store browsing, i didnt notice anything with any metal tags or stickers. so i returned to the same books a million about a week later and decided to steal the smallest post secret book. i had no problem getting it in my bag, but on the way out the door the alarm went off. i panicked, and walked out into the middle of the road in the pouring rain. and then an employee came running out behind me and asking me to come back inside. i have no idea why i did, but i turned around and went back inside. so another employee was back up at the front by now and she was asking me if i had anything that might have made it go off. and of course i said i didnt. so she suggested that maybe my keys or cell phone set it off. so i waved them in front of the sensor, and ofcourse nothing. so then she suggested that maybe it was something in my purse. and i had to wave it in front of the sensor... well of course it went off. fuck my life. so she starts asking me if there is anything in my purse that might have set it off. i pretend to dig around in my purse, knowing that the only thing in there is the stolen book. then she asks if i have a book that i had previously purchased. well i jumped at this opportuinty and pulled out the stolen book, telling her that i had bought it last week. she takes it and flips through the pages, and then to back cover where she reveals the metal sticker. i feel like a total dumbass. so she says that if i can bring a receipt back then i can take the book with me. i tell her i will, and then she lets me go. that was a close one.

and then there was another occasion at old navy...
so ive stolen from two differnt old navy locations several times. and it seems to me that the store is completely oblivious. ive stolen high dollar merchandise and never been caught. they dont even have cameras. so i always feel pretty confident when shoplifting from there. on this particular day, i had a couple tank tops, a pair of pajama pants, two pairs of pajama shorts, 3 thongs, and maybe a shirt or two. so as i was walking out the door, the alarm went off. once again, i panicked and started walking across the street. well no one came out after me so i went and sat in my car. then i was determined to know what made the alarm go off. so i pulled my car over a few rows away from the store and started emptying the contents of my purse and examining each item. i didnt see anything that wouldve made the alarm go off.... ive stolen all of those things before and nothing happened. so i came to the conclusion that it must have been the lady that was walking in right as i was walking out that set off with her keys or cell phone or something. since then ive stolen a cardigan and a tanktop from there, but i pulled the tags off of them first and nothing beeped. so i guess thats just what i'll have to do from now on...

also, i would like to mention my more successful stealing ventures that have happened recently...

i stole a shower cady. yeah that was pretty impressive. um i got 2 pairs of shoes from rack room. another wine glass and 3 shirts from jc penny. and some jewelry from there too. most all of my make up nowadays is stolen. well, pretty much everything in my bathroom is stolen. from the shampoo to the toothpaste to the tampons. ive also stolen a 6 pack of bud light lime. that was another pretty impressive one. i have a whole laundry basket in my closet and 2 drawers in my dresser that are solely dedicated to stolen things. pretty much all of my expensive finger nail polish is stolen. that stuff costs like $6 a bottle. and most of the clothes that im wearing not are stolen. which brings me to something else...

the things i stole when i had just started... they dont seem so wonderful anymore. its like the rush of wearing something stolen wears off after a couple months. this tank top im wearing right now... i stole it about 6-8 months ago. and now it doesnt feel stolen anymore. it feels like i bought it. crazy, huh. also, the sandals that i stole over a year ago... i feel like i paid for those too. very strange.

but now my cheif concern is... im running out of stuff to steal. i dont have much more room to store stolen clothes. or any clothes at all for that matter. i dont have room for shoes, and my make up bag is practically bursting at the seems. i have enough body wash to last my for the rest of the year, and probably into next year. i have an array of stolen stuff under my sink. i just dont have room for anymore. so now what can i steal? ive resolved to steal a cosmo every month, and i could use some new pens and pencils. and filler paper. and those colgate wisp brushes. and a new loofa, since my stolen cosmo said that those should be replaced every month or so. and a new tooth brush. but thats about it. i have enough candles to make it through a blackout, and enough face wash to last til im 20. so i must think of new things to steal that would be useful to me. yes, that is my new objective.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


So its been awhile since i've written anything on here, about 7 months to be exact. the truth of the matter is that i forgot my password, and wasnt exactly sure how to recover it. but anyways, i've been doing pretty great these past few months. my doctor put me on prozac, and it is absolutely a wonder drug. i've never felt better in my life. and also, i think i might have finally found a birth control that i can tolerate. so yayyy.
however, im not looking forward to starting back to school in 3 days. nope, not one bit. i should have a really tough schedule this year. it'll look something like this: dual enrollment for speech and psychology either 2 or 3 days a week...not sure yet. then photography, spanish 4, honors english, ap history, algebra 2 with trig, chemistry, and math tutoring. hopefully i'll make it out alive ahaha.
but anyways, i wanted to address a topic thats been on my mind alot lately. stealing.
i know its bad, and its wrong, and its part of the reason that prices are so high...but that doesnt stop me from doing it. it started out with taking little things that i didnt wanna buy...like condoms. well, in the past year i've added quite a bit to the list. lets see. eye make up. foundation. fake nails. hair color. jewelry. wine. mascara. make up remover. face wash. yankee candles. a tervis tumbler. clothes. bras. shoes. a foldable tote. books. a penis shaped cake pan. in fact, i think my stealing is getting pretty serious. and it all stems from the fact that i just dont want to pay for these things. its not that i cant afford them or anything like that, its just that i'd rather have them for free. and also, probably adding to the fire, is the fact that i've never been caught. but honestly, i dont want to get caught because it would be on my record and thats something i just dont need. well you say, if it would upset you to have stealing on your record..then dont do it! well im afraid its not that easy. i mean, who wants to pay $4.50 for face wash or $8 for mascara. the prices are ridiculous. and actually, i've found a little perk to this stealing thing. when i steal a product and take it home and try it, i often find that the product sucks. like these pajama pants im wearing right now. if i'd bought these and paid $7 for them, i wouldve been pretty pissed off because they are really itchy. and like the mascara i stole the other day.. it was only $2.50 but it is super crappy. once again, i wouldve been pissed.

its just something for people to think about... trying things for "free"
another example... the face wash that was $4.50... i love it. now i actually plan to buy it. but if i hadnt stolen it... i never would have paid that much for it.

and another thing ive discovered is that stores dont care about stealing nearly as much as they'd like you to believe. walmart claims that they have over 200 cameras in their store... but what they dont mention is how many of those are fake. and also, they have one person watching those tapes. lets say they have 50 real cameras...how many people do you know that can have their eyes on 50 images at once. see...exactly. you dont know anybody.
and they also claim that they have 2 plain clothes security, or "secret shoppers". well, they do. but what happens when one of those people goes to the bathroom, or on break. yeah, then they have one person to watch everybody in the store. and also, what kind of dumbass steals something when they know somebody is looking. now supposedly these secret shoppers are stealthy and discreet. well, how many times have you seen someone that looked perfectly normal lurking around wal mart acting like a cia agent.... yeah, you havent. im not saying these people dont exist, but what i am saying is that the secret shoppers are more concerned with looking normal and not giving themselves away. if i had to guess i'd say that these people mainly target the cosmetics section, the electronics and the clothing departments.... now of course those are the departments you want to steal from. so the solution is simple. take the item you want to steal out of those departments. i suggest somewhere like the lawn and garden aisle or the rugs. there usually isnt anybody on those aisles.. and there are very few cameras around there.

but enough of my shoplifting shenanagans... the end.