Tuesday, December 29, 2009


i think im really smart. like, smarter than most people. and you could call that conceited, but whatever.

for example, last night we were talking about who jackie o was... and then someone's dad started trying to explain her. dear lord, i thought i was going to punch the man. he messed up so many facts about the woman's life... it was terrible. now, im not trying to put him down for being ill informed on history...but people should know when to shut the hell up. yeahhhh.

and another thing...definitions. for example, inflation. you know how many times i've heard people say that its an increase in prices. um, NO. its a DECREASE in the value of money. dumbass.

and impeach. most people think that means to remove someone from their position or office. uhh, wrong. it has nothing to do with that. impeachment is to formally bring charges against someone. and then, if that person is found guilty of those charges, they can be removed from their office.

so i think that before people start throwing out words, they should be well aware of what they mean. invest in a dictionary, for the love of humanity.

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