Saturday, August 8, 2009

Guys, When It Rains

When one thing goes wrong, then everything starts falling apart. Like for example, my father. He just loves to start shit with me. He keeps nagging and picking until I feel like my head is going to explode. So naturally, I snap. And then the parents tag team me. And they are like "Why do you always have to be such a bitch?" Well, I can tell you that any other time, my parents don't talk to each other. Only when they are getting me in trouble. But, I guess that is just the way of parents.

I really need to finish my summer reading. Well, I need to finish The Gospel According to Larry. And then I must write a summary on a notecard. Blah. And as if that isn't enough, then I have to read Huck Finn and A Separate Peace. And summarize both of those on notecards. I really hope all of this is worth being in honors english. But most likely, it will be same as last year. More essays, harder questions, critical thinking. Not that I don't enjoy literature, but analyzing it is a completely different topic. Frankly, I hate to analyze anything. It sucks.

Well, I guess I'm about to find out if my mom took pity on me and brought me back a sandwich from subway. Today I'm not so sure that she did. But then, I suppose we will find out.

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