Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Original Girls Next Door

Okay, so today I discovered some strange things about the original Girls Next Door. Um, did you know that Bridget is 35. Yeah, so that isn't really that old. But when you consider that Kendra was only 19 when she moved into the mansion... it kinda makes you wonder. And Holly was 21 when she moved in. Its just odd that Hef would want a girl in her late 20's as a girlfriend.

And don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking Bridget for being older. Because honestly, she doesnt look her age. But I will say one thing about her. On every episode, I thought of her as the "chubby" girl. Not fat by any means, but just a little heavier than all the other girls. And now since she has started her own show on the Travel Channel, she looks really skinny. I'm just saying.

Alright, so Holly. The shallow one. When she started to get famous, she dropped her real last name 'Cullen' and started using her middle name 'Madison' as her last name. Okay, so maybe some stars do that. But in my opinion Holly isn't THAT famous. And she has had plastic surgery. Not just a boob job, but a dramatic rhinoplasty. So she probably isn't even naturally pretty.

Kendra. My favorite. Very raw, and very real. But I think that maybe she is relying a little too much on Hef when she is supposed to be out on her own. I mean, making him the godfather of her child? And marrying Hank Baskett at the Playboy Mansion? Yeah, I'm sure Hef agreed to all of these things, but she shouldn't have asked so much of him. Especially since they broke up.

And am I the only one that finds it just a little fishy that one day everything is fine and then the next Holly is breaking up with Hef. And like the day after that, Kendra is leaving him for Hank. And the day after that Bridget goes to Europe to film Sexiest Beaches. It's like all of his girlfriends left in the same week. Damn, they did. I really want to know what all that is about.
And I want to know why there seems to be bad blood between Hef & Holly. Hef and Kendra seem to be getting along just great.

And seriously, who would agree to being one of seven girlfriends? Since Hef gets to have more than one girlfriend, I wonder if they get to have more than one boyfriend. It is an interesting concept.

And just for kicks, I wonder how many girls he has had sex with. Maybe 300-400? Who knows.

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