Friday, August 7, 2009

Just When I Was Starting To Think!

Alright, so ever since the day I was born my brother and sister have been hopeless drug addicts. Throughout my life, my parents have kept me at a distance from them. However, I was well versed in the late night phone calls to the house. Asking for various things; money, a ride, a place to stay. And I'd also seen my dad cry many times over the wrongs that his other children were doing. But honestly, I had no clue about the wrath of a true addict.

They had been to multiple rehabilitation centers in their lives, and each time they would stay clean for a few months. But then they would soon fall back into the old lifestlye. Well, after my brother stole from my parent's business, he was left with the decision of rehab or jail. And so he chose rehab.

They both went to the foundary for around 9 months, and they came out clean. In fact, they were showing hope of staying that way. We all had our suspicions that some light recreational drugs were in use, but in the grand scheme of things that didn't really matter.

Now, last night my brother saved my life. From my satanic, fuck tard of a sister.

And all that I can say to him is thanks, because that situation could have gone either way.
And as for my sister, since she went ape shit and tried to kill me, all I can sincerely say is DIE BITCH.

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