Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A Favorite of Mine

One of my favorite history teachers of all time was Mrs.Newman. She was a real inspiration to me. Since her class, I have become a firm believer that history repeats itself. You must learn from the past... the good and bad things that have happened. Learn how to repeat the good, and avoid the bad. Keep evil rulers from gaining power again, realize corruptions in the government. But unfortunately, not everyone is aware that history repeats itself. Some think that everyday is a new one, and things from the past don't effect the future.

Oh, but things from the past do effect the future. And not just in terms of history. In your life, the things you have accomplished and the experiences that you have gained.... they shape you into the person that you will be tomorrow.

I'm actually really excited about this weekend. There is Jackie's engagement party saturday night, and im sure that will provide a great opportunity for me to get some shots with my new camera. Then, Sunday I'm spending the night with Jax so I can hangout with her Monday. We are going to taste wedding cakes. And I'm going to see if I can persuede her into taking me to Al's. This is making me happy :)

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