Friday, July 31, 2009


I can't stand these judge shows. They drive me up the wall. I don't care about other people's lives. I don't want to know about their drama. Seriously. I have enough things of my own to deal with. I don't need extra.

So I've had my permit for a couple weeks, and I have only gotten to drive a few times. I ask mother "When are you going to get a car put in your name?" And she says "Well, that is just a lot of money to take out of our account right now..." So I guess that means that I don't get to use my permit, and that when it comes time to get my license... I won't be able to get it. Stress.

Maybe I have learned some of my behaviors from my mother. When she is upset, it is like a domino effect. If she has to be down, then she has to take me down with her. Things have always been like this.

And now Taitlynn is trying to convince her mother to take her to Julie's birthday party. She claims that she has to go because she is Julie's bestfriend. Well, I thought Taitlynn was supposed to be my bestfriend. And I don't recall Taitlynn even talking to me on my birthday. Or the days before it. Or the days after it. I had to REMIND her that she had forgotten my birthday. Some bestfriend.

Pretty much, I think I'd be a lot happier if I could be by myself. Live alone. Be alone in the world. Because I am smart, way smarter than most people. And I can call the shots better than you can ;)

So last thing. Those really strong Christian people are stupid. Devoting their lives to someone that may or may not exist. And then spreading the word about this person that may or may not exist. And all those Christian bands that sound exactly the same... they make me nauseous. I need something more along the lines of "When I see you tonight it's gonna be so cool. We can watch tv and maybe listen to some Husker Du"

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