Thursday, July 30, 2009

My Father

My father annoys the fuck out of me. He says I'm obsessed by things, like texting and popping my joints. Well if you ask me, he is obsessed with the TV, his nextel beeper, and the damn newspaper. So he shouldn't be passing judgement. And he is too lazy to actually get out 0f the car and walk in subway. Now that pisses me off.

Man, I've had a headache everyday this week. Maybe it is how I do my hair now. Or maybe I'm just under too much stress. I dunno.

Im officially a sophomore. I hope this year goes well. Because freshman year had its ups and downs. I want things to go smoothly, just for once. I promise I've never done anything to deserve the stuff I have to deal with. I've never done anything that bad!

Lately I have started to realize that I am a pretty whiney individual. I get upset when I don't get my way. And not to make an excuse for it, but I think that part of the reason that I am this way is because I was constantly oppressed through out my childhood. I always let other people take control, and I really didn't have a true identity. So now that I have developed into my own person, I want things NOW. I don't feel like waiting because I have already spent my whole life waiting. Does any of this make sense? Does anything really make sense?

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