Monday, July 20, 2009

Im starting to think...

That I have a problem with relationships. Because it seems like I'm always getting hurt. So I've decided that I"m not going to get romantically involved with anyone unless I'm sure that it will last for awhile. No more quick flings, because those end up hurting way too much. And they are pointless wastes of time. Because in the end you aren't speaking to the person. It's stupid.

But enough of my bitching. It isn't really making me feel any better.

Today I was thinking about how fortunate I am. I have so many great things. Some are people and some are material possesions. But they both make me happy. I only have like the coolest mom in the world. She doesn't care that I say fuck about 2523451 times a day. And she didn't get mad when she had to take me to the doctor for a pregnancy test. Cool lady. Then there are the material things. My $500 phone. This rockin' new laptop. i touch. Expensive perfume. The other day she spent $1000 on me at Best Buy. That was when i got my new camera, a designer case, an fm trasmitter for my ipod, and a usb with an sd port. thank you momma ;) ahhh, now my daddy is peeling peaches. I must go steal some!

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